Monday, April 12, 2010


Hi there.
My name is Mandie. I'm 21. I drink. I don't smoke or do drugs. I am an EMT-B in the state of Colorado, working on finishing my EMT-I certification and then moving on to my Paramedic.

I have a boyfriend, his name is Jon. He's 30. He doesn't smoke or do drugs either, but I make him drink with me.

I have a dog, her name is Avalon. She does drugs all that time. >.> She's a year and 5 months old. <3
I'm uninteresting, overall. I don't want to try to be grandiose. I don't have any crazy life-threatening diseases. I don't do anything amazing or special or even all that interesting. I'm a huge computer geek who's just learning how to be an adult and screwing it up a lot along the way.

The goal of this blog is to post one entry, and one picture, each day from today - April 13, 2010 - to April 13, 2011. I don't expect anything amazing to happen during that time, but not everyone has an amazing fascinating life -- sometimes it's okay to be mundane.
One promise, and warning: I will be honest here. If what I'm writing about makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy or whatever...don't read it. But whatever comes to mind, or happens, will be the thing I write about. I'll try to keep it PG. I swear a lot, by the way. Just forewarning.

I can't think of anything else. I feel I've been properly introduced. We'll meet again tomorrow.

April 13, 2010

1 comment:

  1. you certainly have an interesting idea here... why didnt you continue?
